
Divers swimming with deep blue shark
Divers swimming with deep blue shark

There are only four places in the world where you can reliably get into the cage to dive with great white sharks. This description may immediately chill you with images of the scene in Jaws where the great white destroys Matt Hooper’s cage like it’s a papier-mâché piñata, but don’t worry - nobody has ever been killed by a great white when cage diving. With cage diving you climb into a metal cage that is lowered into the water, breathing from a scuba cylinder or hookah, allowing you to view great whites in their natural habitat. If you dream of swimming with great white sharks, then cage diving is for you.

divers swimming with deep blue shark

But getting in the water with the ocean’s most intimidating predator -that’s when the adrenaline floodgates truly open wide. The natural resources department said there are reports people climbed on top of the whale carcass and removed its teeth, which may be a violation of state and federal laws.For many, seeing footage of a great white is enough to up the pulse rate. “That’s why I kind of call her, like, a grandma shark.” “Big pregnant females (sharks) are actually the safest ones to be with – the biggest, oldest ones – because they’ve seen it all, including us,” Ramsey said. Sharks usually only bite when they’re curious or mistake people for their natural prey but are unpredictable, Ramsey said. Understandably, some people want to get into the water either out of fascination or to get photographs, but it is truly dangerous to be around this carcass with so much shark activity,” he said. “We don’t want anyone to get hurt if a shark swimming around the carcass mistakes them as food. The agency’s Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement Chief Jason Redull cautioned people to stay out of the water around the dead whale. The department said tiger sharks have been “almost continuously” feeding on the whale and said it was aware of photos of the great white. The shark is over 6 metres long and 2.4 metres across Oliphant/ via REUTERS

divers swimming with deep blue shark

The Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources said in a statement on Wednesday that the decomposing whale carcass that had attracted so many sharks had drifted to about 13km south of Pearl Harbor after being towed 24km offshore days earlier. Hawaii waters are usually too warm for great whites compared with California’s Pacific coast, where they feed on sea lions and elephant seals, Ramsey said, suggesting that the giant white might have headed to Hawaii because of hunger and a need for extra nutrients in pregnancy. She and her team observe and identify sharks and share that data with state and federal partners. Ramsey studies sharks, advocates for their conservation and leads cage-free shark diving tours. I wish more people would have a connection with sharks and the natural world, because then they would understand that it’s not petting sharks or pushing them off to maintain a respectable space that is hurting sharks (because trust me if she didn’t like being pet she can handle and communicate 🦈) it’s the wasteful and cruel practice of grabbing and catching sharks to cut off their fins (which slowly kills them) for #sharkfinsoup in a process called #sharkfinning or the wasteful #sharkfishing or #sharksportfishing If it bothers you that I touched the shark please click on one of the hashtags above and leave them a negative comment first 😉 #HelpSaveSharks #SpreadAwareness #FinBanNow #bansharkfinning #Sharkfin Vid shot on my #gopro3000 #goproforacause out with with ❤️ 💙 ❤️ 💙 #savetheocean #sharktouch #touchingsharks #oneoceanteam #discoversharks #discoverocean #greatwhitesharkinhawaii #freedivingwithsharks #whitesharkhawaii #deadwhalehawaii #dolphinsandsharks #🤙🏽 #Hawaii #sharka 🤙🏽🦈Ī post shared by Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey on at 4:56pm PST

divers swimming with deep blue shark divers swimming with deep blue shark

I know some people criticize touch but what some don’t realize is that sometimes sharks seek touch, she swam away escorted by two rough-toothed dolphins who danced around her over to one of my shark research vessels and proceeded to use it as a scratching post, passing up feeding for another need. I waited quietly, patiently, observing as she swam up to the dead sperm whale carcass and then slowly to me passing close enough I gently put my hand out to maintain a small space so her girth could pass.

Divers swimming with deep blue shark